Social in Distant Times
So, the world has changed. As a result of lockdowns & social distancing, we are all navigating an even busier online space. And you may be wondering how to communicate through this crisis? I have put together the following tips for how to manage your organic social media.
It’s easy to feel unsure about what to post on social media at the moment. We are in the middle of an unprecedented global crisis that’s changing every day. Topics and even opinions that were OK a few weeks ago might feel unsuitable. With a lot of strong opinions flying around you may be worried about saying the wrong thing.
My advice is to follow the same fundamental principles as you always should for social media. Namely, who am I talking to? How are they feeling? What will help or interest them? It’s important to acknowledge the situation, but try and imagine how this crisis is affecting your followers & their situation. This will, in turn, inform your content.
Let’s take a closer look:
1. Acknowledge and empathise
It’s really important to acknowledge what is happening. Sometimes it’s better to stay away from topical happenings if it’s not relevant for your brand or account. This is not one of those times. This affects everyone and is impossible to ignore. Instead, offer empathy and comfort. This example from @little_soap_co is great.
2. Create helpful content
This is a great opportunity to add value to your follower’s day. Of course, many people are still working on the front-line or at home, but whether they are busy or have time on their hands, people will still need moments of escapism. You can connect with your followers by offering them information or tips to help them during this difficult time. Love this blog idea from @conscioushouseldn for some much-needed self-care.
3. Be creative
Think of ways that you can relate the current ‘normal’ to your business. I love this from @ecosia – talking about remote working in the context of their tree growers everyday lives!
4. Take some positive action
It’s easy to feel paralysed right now. Taking positive action will help inspire people to do the same. The easiest way is, of course, to take something online so it can still go ahead.
5. Stay open online– if safe
You may feel you shouldn’t be selling right now. My view is that as long as you & your staff and your customers are safe – stay open and stay selling. It’s all about how you do it. Of course, don’t try and benefit from the situation. But as long as you are sensitive then there is no reason not to sell. Remember many people will not receive financial support from the government, and businesses going to the wall are not going to help the current crisis. People still need essential products, could be in the market for different services & are also entitled to some light relief in the form of less essential offerings too!
6. Remember, your offering could be helping people
By pivoting your business online, or changing your offering to fit the current situation you are no doubt helping people who are in need of a product or much-needed service. People who are staying home need to stay active and positive and businesses like @pilatesmovementmatters are helping them do that.
7. Inform your customers about safety measures
Take some time to review all your measures and communicate these to your regular & potential customers. It’s important to be transparent and show responsibility. Love the detail that @oxendensoaphouse have given here.
8. And lastly, offer something if you can…
If you can, offer something to people who are being affected. Now is definitely the time to be generous. @thesmallhome looked at their products and felt that they could be of comfort in some way & so offered to send to anyone their followers felt would benefit. You could also offer a discount or a free consultation or a month’s subscription.
It’s also OK to take your foot off the gas slightly & post less over the next few weeks while the situation continues to unfold. It really is a day at a time at the moment for everyone, so do what feels right for you, your business and your followers.
I hope these tips with examples are helpful. And do message me if you have any specific queries, I’m happy to help.
Stay safe x
Jenni 🌿